| Dear Bible Gateway Friend,
Pastor Suleimanov dedicated 16 years to reaching his Muslim neighbors with the Gospel. Through him, God had grown Hosanna Church into the largest Protestant church in the Russian Republic of Dagestan.
And one July evening, a group of gunmen murdered Pastor Suleimanov outside his church.
For decades, ministry in Dagestan was made hazardous by Muslim extremists. But in recent years, a miraculous change has been taking place. “Today we are on the threshold of revival,” says the current head of Hosanna Church, Pastor Nadiya.*
Around the world, God is at work in places where Christians are persecuted and the Gospel is suppressed. Will you come alongside churches on the frontlines, like Hosanna Church, by providing Scripture resources for evangelism and discipleship—at an average of $7 to reach one person?
A generous partner of Biblica has already pledged $50,000 for ministry this summer in the world’s most difficult places. Their goal is to challenge caring people like you to double the impact by August 31. Please give today, while your gift can go twice as far!
Pastor Nadiya is pleading for resources as a wave of spiritual interest sweeps through Dagestan. In particular, she is asking for Biblica’s Selections from the Holy Scriptures, an easy-to-read book that clears up Muslim misunderstandings about Jesus.
“We would like at least 10,000 copies,” she says urgently. “When would they be available?”
Please help us tell Pastor Nadiya, “They’re available now.” Make your gift today!
Your partner in ministry,
 | Geof Morin President/CEO Biblica |
*Pastor Nadiya’s identity has been changed for security.
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