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Weekly Brief is your 1-minute smart and fast report to keep you informed of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway. Forward to your friends and share with your followers to encourage them to subscribe. | |
How to Discover and Use Your Spiritual Gifts This article explores what spiritual gifts are, the various kinds of gifts, and how you can discover yours. It reviews a key Bible passage on the topic of spiritual gifts, 1 Peter 4:10-11, and uncovers two important principles on how to use them. It concludes with a contemplation exercise to help you think deeply about this passage… |
Bible Connection Podcast: Designing the Word with Klaus Krogh For 32 years, Klaus Krogh has created and operated a graphic design company dedicated to doing the best possible quality of work on every single project. Designing Bibles and typesetting the Word of God quickly became the core of the business. In this episode of the Bible Connection Podcast, Klaus tells the story of 2K/Denmark, the philosophy behind everything he does, and how his faith and his love have driven him to create beautiful Bibles because he knows it can change lives… |
How to Live the Bible — Time Alone With God In this 209th lesson on how to live the Bible, pastor and author Dr. Mel Lawrenz says, "Some things happen between us and God only when we are alone…Take a half-hour sometime today when you happen to be alone and ask God for the gift of his 'whisper' today …" If you want to know how to live the Bible every day, read this installment of his series on our Blog and encourage your friends and followers to receive it by email" |
Ascension Day: Jesus Ascends to Heaven Ascension Day (May 26, 2022; Orthodox is June 2) is the 40th day of Easter when we commemorate Jesus' ascent into heaven. Christ's ascension is described—albeit fairly briefly—in a few places in the Bible, and is mentioned or referenced in several of the epistles. The most detailed account is found in Mark 16:14-19… |
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